During the Preconstruction Phase, the objective of the Harper project team is to actively manage the budget development process, provide the Owner and its consultants with timely input on cost and method alternatives, and monitor the availability of materials and compatibility of costs. This process involves continuous monitoring and interaction.
Harper also takes an active role in monitoring, revising and updating the schedule for the preparation of contract documents by the design team. To accomplish this, a system of status reporting customized to reflect the mutual needs for current information is utilized to provide project cost and schedule accountability.
Schematic Phase
- Assist in selection of project team
- Review building program; define project scope and objectives
- Review and coordinate consulting studies and reports
- Oversee constructability reviews
Site Evaluation
- Analyze the property line documentation. Cross check with the physical location the property line
- Analyze Soil Reports and identify hidden costs
- Verify water, sewage, electrical and telephone easements
- Identify flooding or storm drain concerns
- Verify zoning and environmental restrictions
- Identify out of property infrastructure costs.
Cost Management/Estimating
- Prepare value analysis reports for costs of alternate building systems and materials
- Perform constructability reviews and recommend cost effective alternatives
- Prepare feasibility budget
- Determine bonding requirements
- Analyze life cycle costs
- Prepare cost checks
- Prepare initial cash flow
Design Development Phase
- Coordinate with A&E/Client Team and Monitor Documents for Compliance
- Recommend alternate cost saving construction methods and materials with BIM Modeling
- Resolve spatial conflicts associated with the added level of detail in the shop/fabrication models.
- Provide very detailed and accurate shop installation drawings that coincide with coordinated shop models.
- Provide a visualization tool for field staff to help understand the design and installation of systems.
- Provide a tool to assist in scheduling and installation sequencing.
- Reduce Requests for Information and associated administrative time.
Time Management/Scheduling
- Prepare initial milestone schedule
- Determine permitting, agency review & approval requirements
- Prepare phasing/sequencing schedule
- Prepare master project schedule
- Identify owner furnished and long lead items
Construction Document Phase
- Organize field staff
- Design management reporting system, document control and submittal Schedule
- Continue document review and coordination
- Prepare quality control plan in coordination with architect and owner
Bidding and Procurement Phase
- Prepare instructions to bidders; bid Forms
- Conduct walk through and on site visits
- Mobilize field staff
- Implement submittal procedures
- Hold pre-bid conferences
- Solicit bids
- Award subcontracts
- Preconstruction conference
- Assist in obtaining permits